Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Girl Power!

I love my girls! In this picture is my sister Cammie on the left, then myself, then my cousin Nana, and last but defiantly not least my cousin Heather. I'm the oldest, then Heather, then Nana and Cammie is the youngest. I love frogs and that's why we took the picture on that bench! We were walking around looking at antique stores when we came upon a frog store with lots of art so we had to go in. My younger sister wants to be an artist when she grows up, so we went into every single art store there was! I didn't mine though, because I like looking at old things. I went into a store and me and my cousins bought little things to make bracelets from! It will be awesome and just one more thing that allows everyone to know that we're the best cousins ever! Heather and I are like the same person in two different bodies. Except for our taste in boys we are exactly alike. We have the same eyes, and the same colored skin, and the same attitude about life. Then there is Nana. Me and Nana aren’t really alike as much as Heather and I are, but we set if off just the same! She reads like me, she has the same views on my older cousin, and so many other things we have in common. She is fun and is willing to play along with my crazy antics! Then there is my lovely sister Cammie. She is the most beautiful, carefree person I’ve ever met. She had the biggest heart ever. My girls make me whole and I don’t know what I would do without them by my side.

The only thing that was bad about our trip into town was when my boyfriend got sick. He has Asthma and has trouble breathing sometimes. All of the old smell must have gotten to him and it was hard for him to breathe. Of course I had to baby him, like I always do. He is the love of my life, but sometimes he is such a little baby. I'm always taking care of him like I'm his mother. But then again he's always been babied so I know why. Most of the time I don't really mind, but sometimes it is really annoying! He left the day before yesterday to go back home where we live, and I’m off to New York tomorrow. I’ll be gone from him for over two weeks, which is the longest that we’ve ever been apart in the ten very long months that we’ve been together. Its fine with me but he’s taking it really hard. I feel sorry for him really, especially since he’s just now realizing that his whole life revolves around me. I hope that he understands that its not meant to be like that, but if he doesn’t its ok I guess. I can’t spend to much in NY, because our one year anniversary is coming and I already know what I want to buy him! I want to buy him something star wars, because he adores that movie, and make a book out of all our notes that we sent before we started dating. I wanted to get him so many other things but I don’t have a job yet so I don’t have any money yet. But I will be getting one soon so then I can buy him all the things that I want to buy him (and trust me there are so many things that I want to buy him)!


Skippy said...

I feel like you sumed us up very well. Robert-BF is really cool in my book. We did not shut up on the eight hour car ride home!

Oh...and btw you forgot to mention the BEDS! The bed that had a night light, and the awesome smooth fluffy bed! To bad we couldn't fit it in our purse ;)

Skippy said...

Chole you lazy bum! I know you're home, so why haven't you blogged!

See you in a few more days ;)

meowi said...

Wow the pic is cute{ girl power