Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello people!

Hello. My name is Chloe, and I’m new to this whole blogging thing. I am currently one Gaia as well as Myspace. I’m always on the computer unless I’m off reading a book or with my boyfriend. I love to write, and do so on Gaia as much as I can. I am a twilight addict, and I think that my boyfriend is the real Jacob Black. Yes, I’m on team Jacob! Any kind of fantasy book I can get my hands on I will read within a day or two. My favorite type of books would have to be books that have to deal with vampires. I love how every kind of vampire book says different things about them. I love the taste of blood, so you might have to worry about me.

I live in Florida, but my mother loves to travel. I’ve seen most of the US, and been to Canada, Mexico, and Jamaica. I look like your average America teenager but I’m not. I got to a school where there are the most amazing people ever. I have the best friends ever. My boyfriend just graduated from my high school, and will be attending collage around our school. My best friend looks just like me and she is my one true love.

My aunt and cousin are on this cite, and they are the ones who convinced me to start this blog. As you can see I’m not like everyone else, or maybe I am. I don’t have much to say right, and I’m sorry if I bore you =] I really do hope that you enjoy what I write. I will try my hardest to make you smile at least once or twice, or maybe even make you roll your eyes. I swear that normally I’ll write more then this though. Well ttfn, I’ll write as soon as something exciting happens in my life! ♥


Red said...

Ack! She is here. Run for the, I really mean that. Run-for-your-lives!!

Just kidding!

Katrina :) said...

Hey My name is Katrina! :) Skippy had u on her blog so I thought I'd read yours! My mom is a HUGE Jacob fan. Me...Not so much! lol. So anyway...I live in FL, too! :) R U getting Breaking Dawn? My mom, BFF and I are going to the PROM party for the release of the book. So we just got our dresses and shoes! :) SO STOKED!!! :))



Still kissing frogs =] said...

Prom? I didn't know about that one, where is it?